Soviet-Jewish. Food / History / Immigration

Lea Zeltserman profile photo

These dishes also tell an important story - not just about the way Soviet policies still shape our grocery lists, but of survival and the efforts of our mothers and grandmothers to keep their families alive and fed…

Lea Zeltserman

Freelance Writer

Hi, I'm Lea. I write about the food, immigration and history of Soviet-Jews — a mishmash of mostly Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian, and Baltic-area Jews. Depending on the year, we might be Soviet, or Russian, or Ukrainian. But we're always Jewish, and always outsiders in the lands we called home for centuries.

The Soviet Samovar

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My work has appeared in Chatelaine, Globe & Mail, Tablet, Forward, and more.


Bowl of rassolnik - pickle soup - shown with buttered black bread and pickles.

Talks on Soviet-Jewish food, history and books, cooking classes and more.

Talks & Classes


Editorial, web and communications consulting services.


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